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Hair Color Tips from Tabatha Coffey's Elle Article


The Color

The Color

Imagine the scenario: You're in the fitting room trying on a brocade shift dress you've wanted all season. As you approach the 3-way mirror, a stunning redhead emerges from her fitting room and you gasp. No, it's not because she has on the exact floral jacquard dress they didn't have in your size, it's because she has the crimson-colored hair you've been wanting for the past year, yet your colorist has no clue what you're talking about. This is where you make nice, grab your phone, and snap her photo.

The Color: Do's

The Color: Do's

If you have a point of reference or photo you want your hair color to look like, then bring it in for your colorist. This is extremely important in achieving the color you want. Your idea of "red" may be "copper" in a colorist's vocabulary. Also, if you want your color to last, then for goodness sake purchase some color-care products once and for all! Nothing drives me more insane than a client who comes in two weeks after a color service with fading color and a snippy attitude. Color is an investment and color-care products are your insurance policy. This is not up for debate. It's a fact and you should live by it. Period.

The Color: Don'ts

The Color: Don'ts

Stop thinking you can wear every hair color humanly possible. If your colorist says, "Your skin tone is too buttery for that particular shade and I think a blonde that's more golden would be in your best interest," then listen to them! Not only do they want you to leave the salon happy, but you are a walking billboard for their craft and according to my idol, Vidal Sassoon, "If you don't look good, we don't look good."

The Color: Tip

The Color: Tip

Did you know that sometimes medication can affect haircolor services? It's true! If you and your colorist are trying to achieve a certain result and it's just not right, don't assume your colorist isn't doing a good job. It could be the prescribed pills. This is yet another reason you should be open and honest with your stylist during the consultation phase.

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